Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sarpa Dosham


It is often seen than despite having good Dasha the good results does not accrue to the native.Before analysing the "Sarpa Dosham" it is necessary to identify the badhak planet.The word "Badhak" means obstruction. In horoscope there are certain position from a house which are called badhak sthan & it's lords are called Badhakesh

How to Determine
From the Movable sign the 11th house from it is called badhak sthan
From the Fix sign the 9th house from it is called badhak sthan
From the Dual sign the 7the house from it is called badhak sthan

Sarpa Dosha
In Astrology the plante Rahu represent the " Snake" or "Sarpa"
Rahu along with Badhakesh plays the major role in creating dosha in horoscope .
Any connection of Rahu with the Lord of badhak sthan is dangerous.
Even placement of Rahu in 6/8/badhak sthan creates dosha.
Jupiter the divine planet if at all get associiated with Badhakesh having rahu/gulika in trines created the same dosha.Sun- Rahu or Moon- Rahu Conjunction is also responsible for the above dosha

Donate small eggs of gold/copper if Rahu is in Dual Sign
Donate small eggs of silver/copper if Rahu is in movable Sign
Plant Trees if Rahu is in fix Sign

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