Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Curse to god

Once Sage Mandavya was meditating in aashram. One day , a thief who stole the valuables from the king tried to hide himself in his aashram to escape the punishment. The soldiers of the king reached the aashram in search of thief and found the valuables of king which was hidden by the thief in the aashram.The soldiers suspected sage to be thief. They produced the sage in court. The king sentenced him severe punishment. This hurts the sage too much. After the completion of punishment, he decided to visit Yamlokam, the abode of Dharmraj(Yam), the god of death. Sage questions him about the reason for his sufferings on earth. Dharmraj ordered his accountant,Chitragupt to clarify the doubts of the sage. Chitragupta is the assistant of Dharmraj, who keep the account of all the good and bad deeds of every creature on earth. He explained the one sin of sage Mandavya which he done in his childhood. As per Chitragupta, the sage used to tease the insects by piercing the needles. But this explanation was not satisfactory answer for sage. He argued with Dharmraj that the child mind is innocent and lacks discretion and there should be no punishment for that. Sage was filled with anger for such rules of God as he thought it to be unjustified. The sage Mandavya cursed Dharmraj for making such rules that he too has to be reborn as a human on earth. Also he stated that from now , if a sin committed by a child by mistake then it will not be qualify for punishment. Vice versa if a sin committed towards child then it will be liable for punishment.After that curse Dharmraj born as Vidur.He became minister in the court of Dhritraashtra.

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